Here you can find the most recent School Performance Data for St Thomas' Primary School.

2023 Annual-Report

2022 Annual-Report

2021 Annual-Report


NAPLAN Results: We have recently been advised by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) that St. Thomas' Primary School, Claremont has been identified as having demonstrated substantially above average gain in reading and/or numeracy achievement, as measured by NAPLAN.

ACARA, wrote to extend their congratulations to the staff and the school community regarding this achievement, as improvement in student literacy and/or numeracy of this magnitude, as measured by NAPLAN, is significant and worthy of highlighting and acknowledging.

At St. Thomas' Primary, we make a conscious decision not to 'teach to the test' as we believe that by offering a comprehensive approach to the West Australian Curriculum, great NAPLAN results will follow. We are extremely proud of what we have achieved at St. Thomas' and thank the staff for their dedication to their teaching profession. This is certainly a whole school result and starts with parents and our early education staff and then flows on through the school where each child's individual needs are catered for.
